Learn and Lead

About continual learning and leadership

Changing Context

During a recent organizational development workshop that I attended, the facilitator talked about changing context. It was an interesting discussion that got me thinking about my changed context. I could recognize a few that I have experienced in the last couple of years.

About two years ago my context as a manager and leader changed about the way I was managing my teams. I moved from 
"I have to do everything and I have get everything done” to “I have to enable people to do their jobs"
This significantly changed my approach to tasks that I and my team are responsible for. I would like to believe that this has actually made me more effective as a manager.

Since I started my blog and being more active on the social network another interesting context changed for me. I have gone from 
“You are an expert because you know something” to “You are an expert because you share what you know” and “You are also an expert because you know who knows”. 
Truly gives meaning to the phrase “the more you give, the more you get”

People retention and recruitment is a big challenge. I have tweeted in the past how I came across resumes of people who’ve had far too many job changes in their career. Now when I am recruiting, I am looking for if the person will stay in the organization for around 2 years. My context changed from looking for 
“Longevity in an organization” to “Will the person stay in the organization for about 2 years”
While it is too early to know about the specific hiring decisions but at least I find it easier to hire now.

What context changes have you experienced?


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